Güntensperger Käse AG | Production, packaging and shipping of innovative Swiss cheese products all over the world according to a proven recipe

Güntensperger Käse AG | Production, packaging and shipping of innovative Swiss cheese products all over the world according to a proven recipe

Güntensperger Käse AG | Production, packaging and shipping of innovative Swiss cheese products all over the world according to a proven recipe

Güntensperger Käse AG | Production, packaging and shipping of innovative Swiss cheese products all over the world according to a proven recipe
Cheese Dairy Müselbach
The Müselbach cheese dairy, which is located in Mettlen, is the cornerstone of the history of Güntensperger Käse AG. The cheese dairy was first mentioned in 1868 as Sennerei Mettlen in a cash book. In 1960 the cheese dairy was bought by August Güntensperger, who is the grandfather of Reto and Marcel Güntensperger. In 1979 August handed over the cheese dairy to his son Peter, who still runs the dairy today. In the Mettlen our specialties like Trüffelperle, Zirbenkönigin or also Bärlauchkäse are produced. Furthermore, our organic quality cheeses are also made here.
Cheese Dairy Müselbach
Mettlen 1573
9602 Müselbach